Friday, June 19, 2009

just drop by..

i'm rarely free but yeah... today i'm quite free somehow... so i decided to drop by to 'ink' down a few words before i get no time to do it :P

well, for the pass few weeks, i was extremely caught up with work. my current client is a bank, so yeah, bank job is always critical. i havent gone out ever since then (minus karaoke before work last sunday) And my roommate must have forgotten how i look. I havent seen her for two weeks, or more since i've been working late and Francis escort me home every night.

He has been a real great guy at time like this. Everyday, after work, he comes and pick me, erm, well, take me to the train station. And he makes delicious pasta for dinner!!! Owh... until Edith is so sick of having pasta.

I truly appreciate what he does for me, at the same time, i felt a guilt in me. I could have done all these for him, but i didn't.

My Job has make me reliase how much i've missed in life. sometimes, it really makes me wonder, is it worth the fight? What is my job to me? i do love my job, but i love to have a peaceful life with francis even more. I havent got time for my friend, i wonder if i still have them, nor time for myself to reflect on myself.

Gosh.. the more i write, the more depressing it get. Ah.. rather, i'll wait for others to post then i'll write again. till then, cya!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

hey hey...job is important at a point in our lives..but let's not let job take over our happiness from spending with the people around us. :)

we've set the transformers movie on the 3rd july, which is next friday. MAKE SURE YOU'RE ABLE TO MAKE IT!! and is Francis joining us tooo?? i'm gonna purchase the ticket once it's available for purchase in the website. so gotta confirm the attendance with me d. ;)

i'm glad to hear that francis still make the time to escort you home every night and cook for you...WOW you're a lucky girl! most important of all is that you appreciate him. i'm happy for both of you~