Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sematan Trip on 8th Dec 2008 (Videos only)

Here are the videos taken for the Sematan Trip yesterday. Hehehe..enjoy them while waiting for Jason to blog the rest. :D

Video 1: Deciding which road to take to the waterfall.

It was our first time looking for that waterfall. Sorry that you have to tilt your head side ways to watch the video...hahaha..blame the person who took it... xD (Edwin scratching his ketiak for a while in the first video... LOL Then Kelly is so cute with her face expression, and Sylvia decided the way to go to the waterfall)

Video 2: Walking down to the waterfall. (Christine talking about "tarik" each other if one of us fall)

Video 3: Going back to Kuching in the car. (Jason talking about his gain weight programme)

AHAHAHA...it's so funny.


kohping said...

jason could learn some from me...
i have secret of growing sideways chemical free!!

Sylvia said...

hahaha....teach him, ping...

JasonL said...

Does ur lesson come with excessive eating and zero exercise? If so.. I'm on half of it.

ms.bulat said...

what the heck is the video for
to put everyone in, fair


Sylvia said...

hahahaha...esteeee xD
bodoh betul rite...hahaha...

cause jason's always taking video of us and he's not in it...i make sure everyone's in the last video...