Saturday, October 25, 2008

Syl comes for a Visit [pt 3]

[continue from pt 2...]

after Aquaria and BK... we went to the 4th floor Starbucks to meet up with Cody (the guy in the pic in Sy's post)... We had a little chattie time and of course... photo session :)

*Cody (left) and Syl (right)

*girls in purple...

Starbucks is definitely not our last stop of the day... for dinner, Cody brought us to PJ to a place call the Cave.. *unfortunately i don't have photos to show* We ate random stuffs and drank random drinks @_@

There, me and Syl were introduced to another two friends of Cody; Joey and Kelvin. Kelvin is a guy of our age *ahem* and Joey.. he's a lot older *bleh*. Looks can be deceiving... hehe... All I can say is... it's not my night... *got fooled due to my bluriness*

Oh no.. the night was still young... so... we went to my favorite 'tong shui' shop. The name of the place literally means 'Remember to Eat'. *ok.. no photos* I've ordered mango loh and also we had 'tong yuen'... We both got our teeth stucked with grinded sessame *that sucks*

We had a great time of course... with the Fishes, Burger, Coffee, Dinner, and Tong Shui... how could it be possible we not enjoying ourselves ^^...

part 4 maybe?

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

hehe...i have more photos during that night lahhh...but it's okay. you did your job talking about it in the blog already. HUGS~~ more part 4? sien talking about my visit already? HAHAHA...

time to talk about yourself!! =D