Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2009 Celebration, KCH style~

Yeaps, celebrating new year Kuching style!

I know this post is super late, but.... I just got the time to do it. So here goes.

Let's just say this is a big occasion that is not to be missed and its nice to hang out with friends and count down with them together. After my work I rushed home and my student wanted to join me for the countdown ... so I said ok. I also asked another friend to join Jason, Kelly and I for the countdown. Initially Jadey, Kelly and my adorable sister was suppose to join us but there was a slight change of plan, so she joined her friends instead for the countdown.

The sad part was Sylvia wasn't able to join us cause she was in KL. Christine... she disappeared to don't know where le... so that is the down part of the countdown.

First off, I invited a few other friends along to make it more fun. Before we whisk our way to 'the Core' at Travillion Kuching. It was time for a little vanity.... Kelly came over to my house and started to make herself look pretty so attract some guys at the pub. Since I sucked at doing my hair... I seeked Mr. Jason for help.

Mr. J's styling... not bad... not bad

But when Jason was done with my hair... Miss Kelly was not done yet... soooo.... Jason and I played with Kelly's new bottle of perfume DKNY apple (I think...) we tried to make an ad out of the perfume to make it look... erm... well.... nice... but turned out looking so bloody wrong.

The many failed attempts to promote the perfume =P

Sighs... so vain hor....

When Kelly was done... it was off to paaarrrtehhhhh! Yee hAAaa! it was really crowded over at the pub and we took a few tequila shots and well... after that I got kinda well... tipsy. LOLX....

errrrr.....emmmm... no comments... XD

Overall it was a fun night out...thanks guys!


Sylvia said...

hahahaahhaa it's so funny.....good post good post....~~~

kohping said...

errkk... too vain!!!

simply Ed said...

lolx... don't worry ping ur vain too

thx cuz~~