Saturday, January 24, 2009

Need Some space to breath...

I need some space to breath... I feel like I am suffocating.... I need to breath.... why is it that everything she wants to get involve... everything I do is a mistake... sometimes I am sick and tired... my close friends asked me to be patient. Sometimes I just can't take it anymore. They say I am very short tempered....sometimes I think... how can I not be.

I am just out for a while and the phone calls keeps on coming. I mean can't I just hang out with my friends for now...

Before I start studying where I have to leave all of them behind as I promised her...

Can't she be more nice and understanding... why must she be so hard to live with....


or am I that bad?


kohping said...

just follow the flow
and take it nice and easy
cheers my friend :)

Sylvia said...

it's not easy for sure...but you just got to endure it for the time being, cuz...

you always got my support here no matter what...hugsss~~ i'm sure you'll be just fine!!

Anonymous said...

Just try to talk to her nicely... no trust is very hard to go on.